MVP's WTF? Paranormal podcast is a different type of paranormal podcast. We cover all things paranormal: ghosts, UFOs, cryptozoology, demons, paranormal TV, paranormal technology, phenomenology, and even the weirdos in the paranormal (including us). And we have fun while we do it. 

We take all things into consideration and use in-depth research, critical thinking, experience, and of course, common sense, as we formulate our opinions on the topics. We're raw and uncensored and have a completely inappropriate sense of humor. We're disgruntled military vets...what do you expect?

So grab an adult beverage, or diet coke for our calorie-conscious listeners, sit back, and enjoy. Word of warning: we use foul language. Another word of warning: Did we mention how inappropriate we can be?

Last word of warning: Our first few seasons started off rough but we figured it all out as the seasons progressed. So stick with us and feel free to agree or disagree, just have fun and get enlightened!




The mission of Military Veterans Paranormal is to not only assist individuals who believe they are being affected by paranormal activity, but also to elevate the current methods and approach to the paranormal  through in-depth research and investigation, using current technology as well as our unique abilities obtained through our military training.

We aim to reveal rational, logical explanations to anomalies that are considered paranormal, so as to eliminate the things that can be explained from the things that cannot be explained.

MVP recognizes that there may be phenomena that exceed our rational understanding. Therefore, it is important to separate fact from fiction to reveal these truly rare occurrences.

As a paranormal team, we also seek to educate other paranormal teams and investigators in the proper use of technology, debunking falsified histories and information, and assisting others in developing reliable techniques when conducting paranormal investigations.

We are not “experts,” as there are no “experts” in the paranormal field.  However, we are experienced, constantly training, learning, working, and positively contributing to the paranormal community. (NEWS)

​We will endeavor to raise public awareness of what we uncover in the paranormal field and encourage those in the paranormal community to continually educate themselves in the current technology being used, history, techniques, and data analysis.

This will only serve to benefit those presumably affected by the paranormal as well as the credibility of those working to further paranormal research.  



Our team is unique in that every member of MVP is either a Military Veteran with an Honorable Discharge or is currently serving in the military. 

All members clear a background check and provide a copy of their DD214 or show their Active Duty military issued ID card to circumvent any possible case of Stolen Valor

We stand true and still honor our military code of conduct in every investigation. This lends to our team's other mission of providing camaraderie to other veterans and Servicemembers in a setting familiar to them. 

The military is not just a job, it is a lifestyle. We seek to provide a healthy, safe, and intriguing hobby for veterans and Service members in which the mission and military brotherhood/sisterhood is not lost.

Therefore, we will also endeavor to raise public awareness of the issues that affect the military and veteran communities. We hope to provide what is often missing upon leaving the military: A sense of purpose and being a member of a team. 



​The views and opinions expressed by Military Veterans Paranormal are those of the MVP team members and in no way represent the views and opinions of the United States Military. 

Although all members of MVP are affiliated with the US Military, albeit through active, reserve, or veteran status, the organization itself is neither formally affiliated with nor endorsed by the United States Military. 

MVP will not be held accountable for any interpretations, inferences, or decisions made by recipients based on information provided through this website, verbal/written communication, events, or investigations. 

All information and/or advice given to you by MVP should not take the place of any medical, technical, legal, or financial advice given to you by any qualified professional. 

All research, data review, opinions, and investigations by MVP are not a substitute for medical, legal, technical, or financial advice and you should seek expert guidance from qualified advisors in those areas.