Improving as a Paranormal Investigator/Researcher/Enthusiast 

If you're into cars, would you stop learning about them after you learned to change a tire? Probably not. If you're into cooking, would you stop searching for new recipes after you learned to bake one cake? Probably not. If you're into history or science, would you stop doing research after reading just one book or watching just one show? Hopefully not. The same should be with those interested in the paranormal. 

There's nothing wrong with watching a paranormal show if it gets you to think. You may completely disagree with everything you're watching, however, don't stop there. Look into what you disagree with and try and find resources and supporting documentation that supports your theory as to what's wrong with what you're seeing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with reading various books on the paranormal, in fact, it should be encouraged. It's important to understand the different perspectives of peoples' beliefs, not just your own. In law, counsel often thinks about what opposing counsel would argue so as to research and cite law that would negate the argument. It is with that same mindset that one should also research the paranormal. If you are going to use science as a backing of what you believe, study it, ask questions. Research those that believe science can support the paranormal as well as those who don't. Talk to scientists, professors, researchers, who are not involved in the paranormal to explain certain concepts. Often times if you ask someone who is adamantly opposed to the belief in the paranormal, most likely anything they cite or explain will support their stance. The same goes for someone who adamantly believes in paranormal phenomena. 

There has to be a balance and objective, unbiased outlook. 

If you're using a piece of equipment, don't just stop at the instructions on how to use it. Rather, look into what the equipment is actually used for and how it works. Does it make sense? Basically, you need to understand the equipment. Also, if it's a "ghost" gadget, research who made it. That's equally as important as the equipment itself. 

Keep in mind, research is more than just reading blogs. To be honest, any idiot can write a blog about something but it doesn't make them a genius. Now, there are some really good ones out there. But in the same light, there are some that are so full of balderdash, your IQ points drop once you're done reading them. Just because someone speaks at lectures also doesn't make them the expert. It means they market themselves well. That is not to say they don't know what they are talking about, but you can't use that as a credential. Keep these things in mind when you go to lectures. (We're not saying don't go to them; just be mindful of their credentials and the perspective of the person speaking.) Ask them questions. And just because someone is on TV, YouTube, or has a Podcast also doesn't make them an expert. Pretty sure everyone knows that, but thought we'd include that as well...just to be safe. Some videos and Podcasts have really great insight. Again, others are just a mound full of crap. 

Read. The local library is a phenomenal starting point. Don't look up books on the paranormal. Look up books on what the paranormal is based on: History, theology, religion. Branch out to science. Read up on the different views of how EM fields affect the human body. Research neuroscience or psychology. They have books that explain a lot of medical topics that can actually explain certain claims of phenomena in vernacular you can understand. If you want to use the internet, utilize Google Scholar ( This web engine has full texts and excerpts of scholarly journals, articles, books, on a myriad of topics. 

Talk to professors at your local college. Believe it or not, you can email them and a lot of times, they will respond. We've been extremely successful in doing that. Email professors who may specialize in the topic, whether it be engineering, theology, history, mechanics, math, psychology, etc. Talk to people who majored and work in specific fields of study. If you want to understand how to use a MelMeter correctly, talk to an electrician. They use them all the time. 

Take notes. We have many, many notebooks of notes taken from various research we've done that we've actually gone back and used on different things. When we listen to people lecture, do training events, read, watch, see...we're always taking notes. These are imperative when comparing and sharing with others. It's also a great way to maintain your own research files. 

These are just some examples of ways to branch out and expand your knowledge. The point is, don't remain stagnant. Going on 100 investigations doesn't mean squat if you don't know what you're talking about. You have to reach past just personal experiences. You have to evolve as an investigator or researcher. That means going that extra step, that extra mile. You've got nothing to lose but you'll gain so much more knowledge, and that's invaluable. 

If you need some resources, we have a lot of them and we are more than willing to share. We love doing research because, well...we love learning....we love evolving, as individuals and as a team. That invaluable knowledge is a tool that doesn't require batteries, power outlets, lights, and yet it will be the most important thing you bring with you on every investigation you go on. Trust us: 

You won't regret it.