Oct. 17, 2022

The Possession of Anneliese Michel - MVP S5 E3

The Possession of Anneliese Michel - MVP S5 E3

Back in Season 3, we released the episode Emily Rose – The Real Story Behind the Exorcism. The real woman who was allegedly possessed was named Anneliese Michel. We received a lot of listener feedback on this episode, with many believing she was possessed and equally as many who did not. It is by far a very interesting case that had our own team going back and forth as to whether or  not we also believed it. All that being said and in the spirit of the Halloween season, we decided to re-release the episode. W encourage you guys to click the links we've provided to get a little more in-depth information behind this very intriguing case. 

video footage:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLxkoHHIlX0

uncut audio tapes:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29fpnF1DWoQ

Audio tape with subtitles:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H4gvQDGiak&t=248s

Additional information and documentation:    https://www.arcaneknowledge.org/movies/annam.htm





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The Original Social Distancer

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