Dec. 21, 2022

Was the Apollo 11 Moon Landing a Hoax??? MVP- Special Bonus Episode

Was the Apollo 11 Moon Landing a Hoax??? MVP- Special Bonus Episode

(This was an impromptu discussion and recording, so don't expect any fancy shmancy editing in this episode. )There's surprisingly a pretty big debate as to whether or not the Apollo 11 moon landing actually occurred.... and the reasons behind the doubts actually make a lot of sense. Mell, Paul and Evan decided to have an impromptu discussion about this and looked at the various claims leaning towards the Apollo 11 mission being a hoax as well as the explanations towards those claims and the evidence that support Apollo 11 as being real. After you hear both sides, what do you think?

Are you ready???? Let's do this!

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The Original Social Distancer

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